Purchase Orders 


PO Number
Order Value
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IICB/PUR/599/448/01(AMC)/208/23-24 Non Comprehensive AMC of Flow Cytometer - Awarded to M/S BD India Pvt. Ltd. etc. INR 244176 Link
IICB/PUR/599/623/G-2442(21-22)/385/23-24 Contract for Supply and Installation of Inverted Fluorescence Microscope etc. INR 1650000 Link
IICB/PUR/599/638/G-127(21-22)/383/23-24 Contract for Supply and Installation of Multi Colour Real Time PCR etc. INR 1333400 Link
IICB/PUR/599/638/306(22-23)/384/23-24 Contract for Supply and Installation of Microplate Multimode Reader etc. INR 888806 Link
IICB/PUR/24-25/599/611/AMC/38/(23-24) Non -Comprehensive AMC of IVIS Lumina XRMS imaging System [SL No. IS1705N7114] for 01 year from date of issue of work order/ Purchase order INR 543980.00 Link
IICB/PUR/24-25/599/410/PC/66(AMC) Non Comprehensive AMC of BD LSR Forterssa  - Awarded to M/S BD India Pvt. Ltd. etc. INR 320606.00 Link