Shilpak Chatterjee , Ph.D.
Principal Scientist & Assistant Professor (AcSIR), DBT-Wellcome Trust Intermediate Fellow
Cancer Biology & Inflammatory Disorder

Research Focus
Ours is a T cell immunotherapy lab where we primarily focus on elucidating pathways thwarting the objective immune response in tumor and devise strategies to ameliorate anti-tumor T cell response. Since metabolic quiescence is a characteristic feature of tumor infiltrating dysfunctional T cells, our lab is particularly interested to understand how metabolic commitment of T cells lead to the rewiring of the cellular, epigenetic and transcriptomic programs which in turn shape up the functional outcome of T cells in tumor (Can Res, 2022; Cells, 2020). Our lab is also intrigued by the observation that despite yielding striking clinical responses, immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy has only benefited a minority of patients with cancer. Our group is also working to comprehensively characterize the transcriptomic, epigenomic and metabolic features of tumor infiltrating T cells in order to precisely understand mechanisms underlying hypo-responsiveness of T cells to immune checkpoint blockade therapy.
Research Interest
Immunometabolism, CAR T cell therapy, Tumor immunology, T cell differentiation.
- 2020: DBT/Wellcome Trust Indian Alliance Intermediate Fellowship
- 2018: Senior Scientist, CSIR-IICB, Kolkata & Assistant Professor, AcSIR
- 2011-2018: Post-doctoral research, MUSC, Charleston, USA
- 2011: PhD (Life Sciences), Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Jadavpur University
- 2005: M.SC (Microbiology), University of Kalyani
Honours & Awards
- 2020: DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance Intermediate Fellowship in Basic Science
- 2017: AAI Trainee Abstract Award from American Association of Immunologist, USA
- 2016: AAI Trainee Abstract Award from American Association of Immunologist, USA
- 2015: AAI Trainee Abstract Award from American Association of Immunologist, USA
- 2014: AAI Trainee Abstract Award from American Association of Immunologist, USA
- 2013: Award for oral presentation (2nd position) at MUSC Research Day, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA
- 2009: Senior Research Fellowship received from ICMR, New Delhi, India
- 2006: Junior Research Fellowship received from ICMR, New Delhi, India
- 2005: University Gold Medal for securing 1st position in M.Sc Microbiology, University of Kalyani
Patents & Publications
- US patent: Process to Generate Superior Anti-Tumor Memory Cells. Provisional application filed 05/15/2015 for MUSC-FRD Technology ID: P1569. PCT filed 04/28/2017. Shikhar Mehrotra, Mike Nishimura, Pravin Kesarwani and Shilpak Chatterjee.
- US patent: CD38-mediated Metabolic Axis in Anti-Tumor Immunotherapy. Provsional application filed 11/09/2016 for MUSC-FRD Technology ID: P1716. PCT filed 11/09/2017. Shikhar Mehrotra and Shilpak Chatterjee.
- Chowdhury S, Kar A, Bhowmik D, Gautam A, Basak D, Sarkar I, Ghosh P, Sarkar D, Deka A, Chakraborty P, Mukhopadhyay A, Mehrotra S, Basak S, Paul S, Chatterjee S*. Intracellular Acetyl CoA Potentiates the Therapeutic Efficacy of Antitumor CD8+ T Cells. Cancer Res. 2022, 82(14):2640-2655 [IF: 13.312]
- Chakraborty P, Parikh RY, Choi S, Tran D, Gooz M, Hedley ZT, Kim DS, Pytel D, Kang I, Nadig SN, Beeson GC, Ball L, Mehrotra M, Wang H, Berto S, Palanisamy V, Li H, Chatterjee S, Rodriguez PC, Maldonado EN, Diehl JA, Gangaraju VK, Mehrotra S*. Carbon Monoxide Activates PERK-Regulated Autophagy to Induce Immunometabolic Reprogramming and Boost Antitumor T-cell Function. Cancer Res. 2022, 82(10):1969-1990. [IF: 13.312]
- Biswas D, Maiti C, Talukder B, Azharuddin M, Saha S, Pandey S, Das A, Adhikari SD, Ray Y, Sarkar BS, Paul SR, Saha B, Paul S, Chatterjee S, Ganguly D, Bhattacharya P*. A prospective study on COVID-19 convalescent plasma donor (CCP) recruitment strategies in a resource constrained blood centre. ISBT Sci Ser. 2021, 16(4):276-283. [IF: 2.34]
- Sarif J, Raychaudhuri D, D'Rozario R, Bandopadhyay P, Singh P, Mehta P, Hoque MA, Sinha BP, Kushwaha M, Sahni S, Devi P, Chattopadhyay P, Paul SR, Ray Y, Chaudhuri K, Banerjee S, Majumdar D, Saha B, Sarkar BS, Bhattacharya P, Chatterjee S, Paul S, Ghosh P, Pandey R, Sengupta S, Ganguly D*. Plasma Gradient of Soluble Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator Receptor Is Linked to Pathogenic Plasma Proteome and Immune Transcriptome and Stratifies Outcomes in Severe COVID-19. Front Immunol. 2021, 12:738093. [IF: 8.786]
- Ray Y*, Paul SR, Bandopadhyay P, D'Rozario R, Sarif J, Raychaudhuri D, Bhowmik D, Lahiri A, Vasudevan JS, Maurya R, Kanakan A, Sharma S, Kumar M, Singh P, Roy R, Chaudhury K, Maiti R, Bagchi S, Maiti A, Perwez MM, Mondal A, Tewari A, Mandal S, Roy A, Saha M, Biswas D, Maiti C, Bhaduri R, Chakraborty S, Sarkar BS, Haldar A, Saha B, Sengupta S, Pandey R, Chatterjee S, Bhattacharya P, Paul S, Ganguly D*. A phase 2 single center open label randomised control trial for convalescent plasma therapy in patients with severe COVID-19. Nat Commun. 2022, 13(1):383. [IF: 17.694]
- Bandopadhyay P#, D'Rozario R#, Lahiri A#, Sarif J#, Ray Y#, Paul SR#, Roy R, Maiti R, Chaudhuri K, Bagchi S, Maiti A, Perwez MM, Sarkar BS, Roy D, Chakraborty R, Vasudevan JS, Sharma S, Biswas D, Maiti C, Saha B, Bhattacharya P, Pandey R, Chatterjee S, Paul S, Ganguly D*. Nature and Dimensions of Systemic Hyperinflammation and its Attenuation by Convalescent Plasma in Severe COVID-19. J Infect Dis. 2021, 224(4):565-574. [IF: 7.759]
- Kar A, Mehrotra S, Chatterjee S*. CD38: T Cell Immuno-Metabolic Modulator. Cells (MDPI). 2020, 9(7): 1716. doi: 10.3390/cells9071716. [IF: 7.666]
- Chakraborty P, Vaena SG, Thyagarajan K, Chatterjee S, Al-Khami A, Selvam SP, Nguyen H, Kang I, Wyatt MW, Baliga U, Hedley Z, Ngang RN, Guo B, Beeson GC, Husain S, Paulos CM, Beeson CC, Zilliox MJ, Hill EG, Mehrotra M, Yu XZ, Ogretmen B, Mehrotra S*. Pro-Survival Lipid Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Metabolically Programs T Cells to Limit Anti-tumor Activity. Cell Rep. 2019, 28(7):1879-1893. [IF: 9.995]
- Chakraborty P#, Chatterjee S#, Kesarwani P#, Thyagarajan K, Iamsawat S, Dalheim A, Nguyen H, Selvam SP, Nasarre P, Scurti G, Hardiman G, Maulik N, Ball L, Gangaraju V, Rubinstein MP, Klauber-DeMore N, Hill EG, Ogretmen B, Yu XZ, Nishimura MI, Mehrotra S*. Thioredoxin-1 improves the immunometabolic phenotype of antitumor T cells. J Biol Chem, 2019, 294(23): 9198-9212. [IF: 5.486]
- Chatterjee S#, Chakraborty P#, Daenthanasanmak A, Iamsawat S, Andrejeva G, Luevano LA, Wolf M, Baliga U, Krieg C, Beeson CC, Mehrotra M, Hill EG, Rathmell JC, Yu XZ, Kraft AS, Mehrotra S*. Targeting PIM Kinase with PD1 inhibition Improves Immunotherapeutic Anti- Tumor T Cell Response. Clinical Cancer Research, 2019, 25(3): 1036-1049. [IF: 13.801]
- Wilson KR, Kang IH, Baliga U, Xiong Y, Chatterjee S, Moore E, Parthiban B, Thyagarajan K, Borke JL, Mehrotra S, Kirkwood KL, LaRue AC, Ogawa M, Mehrotra M*. Hematopoietic Stem Cells as a Novel Source of Dental Tissue Cells. Sci Rep, 2018, 8(1): 8026. [IF: 4.996]
- Daenthanasanmak A, Wu Y, Iamsawat S, Nguyen HD, Bastian D, Zhang M, Sofi MH, Chatterjee S, Hill EG, Mehrotra S, Kraft AS, Yu XZ*. PIM-2 protein kinase negatively regulates T cell responses in transplantation and tumor immunity. J Clin Invest, 2018, 128(7): 2787-2801. [IF: 19.46]
- Chatterjee S, Daenthanasanmak A, Chakraborty P, Wyatt MW, Dhar P, Selvam SP, Fu J, Zhang J, Nguyen H, Kang I, Toth K, Al-Homrani M, Husain M, Beeson G, Ball L, Helke K, Husain S, Garrett-Mayer E, Hardiman G, Mehrotra M, Nishimura MI, Beeson CC, Bupp MG, Wu J, Ogretmen B, Paulos CM, Rathmell J, Yu XZ, Mehrotra S*. CD38-NAD+Axis Regulates Immunotherapeutic Anti-Tumor T Cell Response. Cell Metabolism. 2018, 27(1): 85-100. [IF: 31.375]
- Klarquist J, Tobin K, Farhangi Oskuei P, Henning SW, Fernandez MF, Dellacecca ER, Navarro FC, Eby JM, Chatterjee S, Mehrotra S, Clark JI, Le Poole IC*. Ccl22 Diverts T Regulatory Cells and Controls the Growth of Melanoma. Cancer Research. 2016, 76(21): 6230-6240. [IF: 13.312]
- Kesarwani P, Chakraborty P, Gudi R, Chatterjee S, Scurti G, Toth K, Simms P, Husain M, Armeson K, Husain S, Garrett-Mayer E, Vasu C, Nishimura MI, Mehrotra S*. Blocking TCR restimulation induced necroptosis in adoptively transferred T cells improves tumor control. Oncotarget. 2016, 7(43) ; 69371-83. [IF: 3.331]
- Banerjee A#, Thyagarajan K#, Chatterjee S#, Chakraborty P, Kesarwani P, Soloshchenko M, Al-Hommrani M, Andrijauskaite K, Moxley K, Janakiraman H, Scheffel MJ, Helke K, Armenson K, Palanisamy V, Rubinstein MP, Garrett Mayer E, Cole DJ, Paulos CM, Voelkel- Johnson C, Nishimura MI, Mehrotra S*. Lack of p53 Augments Anti-Tumor Functions in Cytolytic T Cells. Cancer Research. 2016, 76(18): 5229-40. (*Co-First Author). [IF: 13.312]
- Nguyen HD, Chatterjee S, Haarberg KM, Wu Y, Bastian D, Heinrichs J, Fu J, Daenthanasanmak A, Schutt S, Shrestha S, Liu C, Wang H, Chi H, Mehrotra S, Yu XZ*. Metabolic reprogramming of alloantigen-activated T cells after hematopoietic cell transplantation. J Clin Invest. 2016, 126(4):1337-52. [IF: 19.46]
- Kesarwani P, Thyagarajan K, Chatterjee S, Palanisamy V, Mehrotra S*. Anti-oxidant capacity and anti-tumor T cell function: A direct correlation. Oncoimmunology. 2015, Feb 3;4(1):e985942. [IF: 7.732]
- Eby JM, Kang HK, Tully ST, Bindeman WE, Peiffer DS, Chatterjee S, Mehrotra S, Le Poole IC*. CCL22 to Activate Treg Migration and Suppress Depigmentation in Vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol. 2015, 135(6):1574-80. [IF: 7.59]
- Chatterjee S, Thyagarajan K, Kesarwani P, Song JH, Soloshchenko M, Fu J, Bailey S, Kraft AS, Vasu C, Paulos CM, Yu XZ, Mehrotra S*. Reduced CD73 Expression by IL-1β Programmed Th17 Cells Improves Tumor Control. Cancer Research. 2014, 74(21) : 6048-59. [IF: 13.312]
- Song JH, An N, Chatterjee S, Kistner-Griffin E, Mahajan S, Mehrotra S and Kraft AS*. Deletion of Pim kinases elevates the cellular levels of reactive oxygen species and sensitizes to K-Ras-induced cell killing. Oncogene. 2015, 34(28): 3728-36. [IF: 8.756]
- Eby JM, Kang HK, Klarquist J, Chatterjee S, Mosenson JA, Nishimura MI, Garrett-Mayer E, Jack Longley B, Engelhard VH, Mehrotra S, Le Poole IC*. Immune Responses In A Mouse Model Of Vitiligo With Spontaneous Epidermal De- And Repigmentation. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2014, 27(6) :1075-85. [IF: 4.159]
- Husain S*, Abdul Y, Webster C, Chatterjee S, Kesarwani P, Mehrotra S. Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ)-mediated retinal ganglion cell death in human tyrosinase T cell receptor transgenic mouse. PLoS One. 2014, 9(2): e89392. [IF: 3.752]
- Chatterjee S, Eby J, Al-Khami AA, Soloshchenko M, Kang H, Kaur N, Naga O, Murali A, Nishimura MI, Le Poole IC, Mehrotra S*. A Quantitative Increase in Regulatory T Cell Controls Development of Vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol. 2014, 134(5) : 1285-94. [IF: 7.59]
- Chatterjee S, Chakraborty P, Banerjee K, Sinha A, Adhikary A, Das T, Choudhuri SK*. Selective induction of apoptosis in various cancer cells irrespective of drug sensitivity through a copper chelate, copper N-(2 hydroxy acetophenone) glycinate: crucial involvement of glutathione. Biometal. 2013, 26 (3) : 517-34. [IF: 3.378]
- Chatterjee S, Das S, Chakraborty P, Manna A, Chatterjee M, Choudhuri SK*. Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) can induce the generation of Th17 response from naïve CD4+ T cells. Immunobiology. 2013, 218 (5) : 718-2. [IF: 3.152]
- Chakraborty P#, Chatterjee S#, Ganguly A, Saha P, Adhikary A, Das T, Chatterjee M, Choudhuri SK*. Reprogramming of TAM toward proimmunogenic type through regulation of MAP kinases using a redox-active copper chelate. J Leukoc Biol. 2012, 91 (4) : 609-619 (*Co- First Author). [IF: 6.011]
- Ganguly A, Chakraborty P, Banerjee K, Chatterjee S, Basu S, Sarkar A, Chatterjee M, Choudhuri SK*. Iron N-(2-hydroxy acetophenone) glycinate (FeNG), a non-toxic glutathione depletor circumvents doxorubicin resistance in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells in vivo. Biometal. 2012, 25 (1) : 149-63. [IF: 3.378]
- Ganguly A, Basu S, Chakraborty P, Chatterjee S, Sarkar A, Chatterjee M, Choudhuri SK*. Targeting Mitochondrial Cell Death Pathway to Overcome Drug Resistance with a Newly Developed Iron Chelate. PLoS One. 2010, 5(6): e11253. [IF: 3.752]
- Chatterjee S#, Mookerjee A#, Mookerjee-Basu J#, Chakraborty P, Ganguly A, Adhikary A, Mukhopadhyay D, Ganguli S, Banerjee R, Ashraf M, Biswas J, Das PK, Sa G, Chatterjee M, Das T, Choudhuri SK*. A novel copper chelate modulates tumor associated macrophages to promote anti-tumor response of T cells. PLoS One. 2009, Sep 16;4(9):e7048. (* Co-First Author). [IF: 3.752]
- Basu S, Majumder S, Chatterjee S, Ganguly A, Efferth T, Choudhuri SK*. Detecton and characterization of a glutathione conjugate of a novel copper complex. In vivo. 2009, 23: 401- 408. [IF: 2.406]
- Majumder S, Chatterjee S, Pal S, Biswas J, Efferth T, Choudhuri SK*. The role of copper in drug-resistant murine and human tumors. Biometals. 2008, 22: 377-384. [IF: 3.378]
- Mookerjee A, Basu JM, Majumder S, Chatterjee S, Panda GS, Dutta P, Pal S, Mukherjee P, Efferth T, Roy S, Choudhuri SK*. A novel copper complex induces ROS generation in doxorubicin resistant Ehrlich ascitis carcinoma cells and increases activity of antioxidant enzymes in vital organs in vivo. BMC Cancer. 2006, 6: 267. [IF: 4.638]
Book Chapters:
- Thyagarajan K, Chatterjee S, Kesarwani P, Nishimura MI, Mehrotra S*. Quality of CTL Therapies: A Changing Landscape. Resistance of Cancer Cells to CTL-Mediated Immunotherapy, 2015, chapter 14, pages 303-349; Springer International Publishing, Switzerland., eBook ISBN 978-3-319-17807-3
- Choudhuri SK*, Majumder S, Chatterjee S, Dey Ghosh R, Ganguly A, Mookerjee A. Copper chelate in overcoming MDR in cancer. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Metal ions and cancer - II: 2008, chapter IX, pages 403 - 412; John Libbery Eurotext, Paris., ISBN: 9782-2- 7420-0714-1